What is in this special little ball and coloured powder?
What' so special about it?
Stay with me now
Here's the front of the choice's |
So many choice's, do you want
super clean, super super clean, super super super clean
or super super super super clean?
Here is the ingredient tables |
Now read the ingredients on this one...
Then this one...
Then this one...
Then this one....
Am I the only one that can not see a significant difference?
They all look so pretty lined up, but do they really do a better job?
This is the one I use, the no fuss powder,
I have tried the others, and did not find a difference,
sure, I have to use a scoop, but that's not an inconvenience.
Now, interestingly enough, this container does not have a table of ingredients,
so I emailed Reckitt Benckister to get a list,
Yes - I did have a bee in my bonnett!
I am no scientist, but the ingredients looked very similar
(I can't seem to copy the document onto here though)
And now, the breakdown.
Quantum 40 Tablets $26.99 = .67c per wash
Maxi 48 Tablets $26.99 = .56c per wash
All in 1 56 Tablets $26.99 = .48c per wash
Classic 30 Tablets $11.79 = .39c per wash
Finish Powder 3kg $16.99 = .20c per wash
(I got 82 washes from a container)
I don't like grocery shopping and come home
ranting and raving to the husband about
how companies are trying to rip us off!
Yes Dear....
Well Mr. Finish, I'm onto you!
You can't fool me.
Better the cash in my pocket than theirs
Have to save the pinch the penny's for the
scooter :)
And, obviously, this is not a sponsored post :)
Edited: After reading th comments below - I now use the Aldi powder or tablets,
they are yet cheaper again and doing a lovely job.
Rant Over
See you tomorrow