
Monday, August 4, 2014

Snow In The Grampians


Friday it snowed in The Grampians, a lot,
it might snow up there once each year or every second year, but not usually this much,
so when it does, it's very exiting.
Mitchell was picked up Saturday morning by a friend and headed to Mount William,
while Peter and Nathan headed up to Boroka Lookout.
It was a beautiful sunny day and excellent to have snow so close to home.
Mount William - thanks for the pic Chelsea
Mount William - thanks for the pic Chelsea
Mount William - thanks for the pic Chelsea
Boroka Lookout over Halls gap
 Looking towards a snow capped Mount William

Heath and I stayed home as we both had colds and feeling a bit yuk,
but Peter and Nathan loaded some snow into the ute, 
and bought home for Heath to have a play
Max the dog and the chooks were very interested in the snow too,
they built a couple of snowmen,
and believe it or not, it's now Monday arvo and they are still there!
A great day was had by all
and a big thankyou to Chelsea for Mitchell's great day in The Grampians,
and Peter for taking lots of pics for us.


  1. Wow - Amazing!!
    My kids have never seen snow and now that we are in WA they probably won't get a chance to see it for a LONG time :)
    Hope you're keeping warm.
    j x

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