
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Picnic at Mt. Arapiles

Today, we packed a Picnic and headed out to Mt. Arapiles.
We sat and ate our lunch at the camp ground,
seeing how many rock climbers we could spot on the mountain,
then walked to the base hand had a scramble around ourselves.

There's one up very very high, teetering on the edge

We saw a few of these, but gladly no snakes

We drove up the top and had stage 2 of lunch, while looking out over the Wimmera

There were lots of pictures of people taking pictures

We usually visit Mt Arapiles this time of year, to look at at the patchwork of crops from above,
this year there does not seem to be as much Canola planted though

Then a quick stop in Natimuk for an icypole on the way home 
and a wander around Mrs 5 Bent Needles hometown.

Twas not all beer and skittles though, on the way home,
2 tired boys were arguing, and the other was singing the National Anthem,
which I though was a Christmas Carol
my brain brain goes AWOL during school holidays.

See you tomorrow at Blogtoberfest



  1. Great pics! Love those canola fields- you're so right, 'patchwork fields'!

  2. gorgeous photos Mrs Zippy Zippy
    hope you tooted as you drove past!
    we love our trips to the MT as well!


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