
Monday, December 24, 2012

The Reindeer Food Shop 2012

 Each year the 3 boys set up
in front of our house.
This is our 5th year! Hard to believe it's been 5 years
 Everyone helps bag up Reindeer Food before the shop opens each year
 And, a big thankyou to Michelle and team at Petstock Horsham
who approached the boys this year,
and offered them a big bag of seed to use
 everyone takes it in turns, helping Mum
Even the husband helps, while he catches up on some viewing
But mostly it's me that does most of the bagging,
so no time for pretty photo styling in this house
(and thanks to the first born for taking the pics for me)

Today is the last day of trade,
if you are a local, you can find us in Natimuk Road,
just look for the red sign
 This year, they have traded for 8 days, sitting at their shop for hours after school.
They have even wanted to have their tea out there.
It's also been great to have  school friends pop around and man the shop.
They landed on the front page of the paper last Friday

They love doing The Reindeer Food Shop each year,
they learn a lot from it,
communication, maths, co-operation, patience,
they love meeting the people that stop by,
and most importantly they have fun.
And this is their first year, 5 years ago
The first born had just a prep,
this year the third born has just finished prep.
Hope you all have a Wonderful Christmas,
I better get out of my PJ's,
as the shop opens in 30 mins for the last day of trade




  1. You all do such a wonderful girls can't wait to sprinkle tonite and make their wishes!!

  2. So cool! Next year they might have a mail order....

  3. What great fun and good little entrepreneurs they are. The reindeer will be full to bursting after visiting Horsham.

  4. Wonderful idea - I love it!!!! Merry Christmas to you and your boys Jacqueline!


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