Thought it was time we updated the Vegie Patch before Spring passes by. The Winter vegies are being harvested and the spring plantings are filling up the last of the beds. Spring has been very mild with lots of rain, everythings been easier to look after than the past few years.
The Corn is taking off, and I've just planted Cucumbers on the frames at the back. There's still some space for Zucchini, I've planted a couple varieties in the seed raising box, just waiting for them to get a little bigger before I plant them out.
Potatoes were late going in. I planted three varieties, Sebago, Coliban & Pontiac on 3rd Oct and they were up in 14 days. They haven't looked back, no signs of the earwigs I had problems with last year. Some have just started to flower.

The Root bed is in full production. The carrots planted in Winter are ready to use and others are at various stages up to a few weeks old. Just pulled Beetroot in the last few days. Made Beetroot Relish out of some and Pickled others.
Here's some of the finished product.

The Broccoli Bed is loaded with Broccoli, Lettuces, Parsley, Coriander and Beans.

The Onion Bed is full, they went in back in June, as close as I could get to the Winter Solstice on June 19th. There's Red, White, Brown and Orderless Onions as well as Garlic and Chives.

The Tomato Bed is nearly full, 4 different types of tomato, Basil, Coriander and two varieties of Capsicum. Most of the tomatoes came from last years seed. I planted Tommy Toe and Tiggerela in the seed raising box in late Winter then planted them out in October.
Now they're in the garden and flowering, growing like crazy. Tomatoes by Christmas!
Happy Digging! . . . . Peter